Appeal Information

Appeal Information

How to Submit an Appeal

If you disagree with a decision made regarding your support ticket, you may have the option to appeal. Please follow the guidelines below to ensure your appeal is processed efficiently and fairly:

Step 1: Review the Original Decision

Before submitting an appeal, thoroughly review the reasons provided for the decision on your original ticket. Understanding why your request was declined is crucial to addressing these points in your appeal.

Step 2: Check Our Terms of Service

Ensure that your appeal complies with our Terms of Service. Appeals that do not adhere to these guidelines will not be considered.

Step 3: Prepare Your Appeal

Compose your appeal by clearly stating your case, providing new information or clarifications that might impact the original decision. Be concise and respectful in your communication.

Step 4: Submit Your Appeal

To submit your appeal, fill out the required fields in our ticket submission form. Here’s what you'll need to include:

  • Discord User & Tag: Your Discord username and discriminator (e.g., user#1234)
  • Discord User ID: Your unique Discord user ID
  • Roblox User (Optional): Your Roblox username, if applicable
  • Email Address: A valid email address where we can reach you
  • Ticket Name: Suggest naming it as "Appeal of Ticket #[Your Original Ticket Number]"
  • Ticket Description: Provide a detailed explanation for your appeal. Include any additional context or information that supports your case.

Step 5: Await Our Response

Our team endeavors to respond to all appeals within 24 hours. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we review your submission.

Please note:

  • Do not submit multiple appeals for the same issue, as this may lead to delays.
  • Ensure all communication is respectful and professional. Harassment or abusive behavior will not be tolerated and may result in further action.

We are committed to fair and thorough review of all appeals and strive to ensure that each user feels heard and respected throughout the process.

What can / can't be appealed

Navigating the appeals process effectively requires a clear understanding of which decisions are eligible for appeal and which are considered final. This section outlines the criteria for both appealable and non-appealable issues, providing examples to help you make informed decisions about proceeding with an appeal.

Can Be Appealed

Certain issues may be subject to appeal if there is new information or if an error in judgment is believed to have occurred. Below are categories where appeals are often considered:

  • Moderation Decisions:

    • Example: Your account was banned for "inappropriate language" due to a misunderstood comment that was actually a harmless joke among friends. If the context clearly mitigates the perceived offense, this may be grounds for an appeal.
  • Account Penalties:

    • Example: You received a penalty for alleged "spamming" in chats, but you can demonstrate that it was a technical issue causing repeated messages unintentionally.
  • Content Removals:

    • Example: A video or post was removed under the assumption it contained copyrighted material, yet you hold valid rights or permissions to use the content legally.
  • Disputed Actions Taken Against Your Content or Behavior:

    • Example: If you believe your content was categorized incorrectly as offensive or sensitive, an appeal could be used to clarify or provide additional context to the content.

Cannot Be Appealed

Some actions reflect serious breaches of our community guidelines and Terms of Service. Decisions in these cases are typically final and not subject to appeal:

  • Discrimination:

    • Non-appealable: Actions or content that discriminatively target individuals or groups based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, disability, etc.
    • Example: Posting comments that degrade or express bias against a protected class.
  • Hacking and Exploiting:

    • Non-appealable: Using unauthorized software to alter gameplay, accessing another user’s account without permission, or exploiting bugs for personal gain.
    • Example: Employing a script to manipulate game functions or server responses beyond intended gameplay.
  • Racism:

    • Non-appealable: Engaging in behavior or posting content that promotes racial hatred or reinforces harmful stereotypes.
    • Example: Use of racial slurs, symbols, or promotion of racially motivated ideologies.
  • Harassment or Bullying:

    • Non-appealable: Systematic targeting of an individual or group to cause distress or harm.
    • Example: Sending threatening messages or organizing a group to continuously disrupt someone's experience online.
  • Severe Terms of Service Violations:

    • Non-appealable: Engaging in activities that constitute a severe violation, such as fraudulent actions, serious privacy violations, or facilitating illegal activities.
    • Example: Impersonating staff, phishing for user credentials, or distributing malware.

Process for Handling Non-Appealable Issues

Our commitment to maintaining a safe and inclusive environment means enforcing strict policies against non-appealable issues. If such behaviors or violations are observed or reported, they are dealt with promptly and decisively:

  • Reporting Mechanisms: Provide clear and accessible channels for users to report non-appealable issues.
  • Immediate Actions: Immediate account suspension or permanent banning, content removal, and potential legal action depending on the severity of the breach.
  • Preventive Measures: Regular updates to our systems to prevent exploits, harassment, and other harmful behaviors.

We strive to ensure fairness and thoroughness in our review of all cases. However, it is crucial that users understand the distinctions between what can and cannot be appealed to manage expectations and ensure compliance with our platform's policies.